
How To Link A Facebook Page To Youtube

How to Put a YouTube Aqueduct on a Facebook Page

By Chuck Malenfant

Add YouTube channels to Facebook to share them with your friends.

i Thinkstock Images/Comstock/Getty Images

Whether yous are running your own YouTube channel or yous are a fan of someone else'south, you tin spread the discussion about it using Facebook. You can always post links to individual videos, but that takes fourth dimension. If you'd like new videos from your favorite YouTube channel to announced on Facebook automatically, add the channel to your Facebook Page. Whenever friends visit your page, they'll also run into the latest videos from your YouTube channel.

Get the YouTube Awarding

Pace 1

Log in to your Facebook account.

Step 2

Type "YouTube" (without quotation marks) into the search box at the top of the screen.

Step 3

Click "YouTube App" in the search results. This is YouTube's own application (see Resource). Your search results may also include competing apps from tertiary-party vendors such as Involver.

Step 4

Click on the "YouTube Tab" link near the pinnacle of the YouTube app page.

Step 5

Click the "Click Here" link in the "to add YouTube to your Fan Page, Click Here and choose your page from the list provided" sentence on the YouTube Tab page. If you only administer one page, your folio is listed for you. If you administer more than one page, you are presented with a drop-down list of all the pages you administer.

Footstep 6

Click the "Add together YouTube" link for the single page you administer. This returns y'all to the YouTube app'southward chief page. If you administer more than than ane folio, select the page you want to apply from the "Add together this application to:" drib-down list, and then click the "Add YouTube" link on the resulting confirmation page to be returned to the YouTube app's main page.

Add Your Channel

Step 1

Navigate to the page on which y'all'd like to add your YouTube channel or channels.

Step 2

Click on the "YouTube" logo push button in the top section of your Facebook Folio.

Step 3

Click on the "Settings" link near the top of the folio to open a dialog box.

Step 4

Enter the YouTube username for the channel you would like to add in the My YouTube Channel Videos text box.

Step v

Click the "Save" link. Repeat Steps three through 5 to add additional channels, if desired.


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