Origination: Six-cigar-shaped Newspaper publisher Snowflake Cutting Instruction

The technique of making a paper Plectrophenax nivalis of regular hexangular shape by cutting information technology out of a rag of wallpaper with scissor grip. Detailed bit-by-bit instruction in the constitute of video, comics, text descriptions. Theory: how to cut a lawful hexagon without a pencil, ruler OR compasses

Step 1: Theory. How to Make a Regular Hexagon

This method is supported the following geometric pattern (see the picture 1):

A regular hexagon is drawn on a square sheet of paper. We get wind that the hexagon is symmetric about the axes of the tetragonal leaf, indeed you posterior fold the leaf in four and cut out all the layers exclusive in one quarter. Promote, we see that, in principle, the vertex of the hexagon, A, lies on the middle (green) vertical line of the quarter. Therefore, ready to find this point A, you first gear motivation to bend the quarter in half and the fold bank line will fool this Green Line for United States. Then, using the fact that the segment CB is equal to the segment Ca, take the corner B of the leaf and pull it leading along the sick line until the edge of the CB leaf stretches and becomes straight, and a clear curve forms in the corner C (see the fancy 2). Then point B on the inflection (green) line marks us point.

Footprint 2: Instruction in Pictures

A elaborated description of what is happening in the pictures.

①② Fold the square leaf in four.

③ Fold spinal column uncomplete of the quarter to obtain the midplane indicated by the bend.

④ Bend the corner of the quadrilateral to the marked midline.

⑤ It is necessary that the corner of the multilateral "fall" exactly on the center line, and in the tree, which is indicated by the exclamation soft touch, an inflection forms just from the recession of the satisfying.

⑥ We let three key points: A is the required peak of the hexagon, b is the 1st corner of the many-sided and also the acme of the hexagon, c is a point located at the duplicate outdistance from the left side of the square every bit point A.

⑦ Abbreviate complete 4 layers of the satisfying from point b to A and from A to c. This is best to handle eye. If the cut turns out to live uneven, it doesn't matter, all the sides of the hexagon will still be patterned out further.

⑧ Expand the piece of wallpaper - 6-sided regular polygon. Fold it in half.

⑨ ⑩ ⑪ ⑫ ⑬ ⑭ Fold it 6 times into an accordion-triangle.

⑮ Draw a triangle with a gridiron of lines line of latitude to the tipto edge, right edge, and at 60 degrees. A innate proper Plectrophenax nivalis made of ice has non only 6 rays, merely all the crystals exclusive are hexagonal.

⑯ Draw a pattern, observing the "law of 6-sidedness" - the angles of the broken in lines are 60 and 120 degrees. We cut along these contours.

⑰ ⑱ The leave.

Mistreat 3: Video: How to Cut a Loose Snowflake of Paper

4 examples:

Compensate attention: the last snowflakes in the video are made without a pencil, ruler or compasses - deflection of paper and pair of scissors only. To make so, first, trimmed along a line parallel to the side of the angular and passage through and through level A. It is non essential to mark this point A with a pencil, you can allow for the corner B/b of the leaf there. Then cut hit from point b to point A, which is now meet the intersection of the middle (cat valium) line with the side of the rectangle.

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