
Thermos Connected Hydration Bottle with Smart Lid Review - Review 2022

You should drink eight glasses of water a day. Although there'southward no scientific proof to this theory, that seems like a reasonable precaution to take in the name of proficient health. But unless yous tape every single glass of water you drink, how do y'all know that y'all're actually reaching this goal each day? The Thermos Connected Hydration Bottle with Smart Lid solves this quandary by keeping track for you. The Thermos is a 24-ounce bottle with a Bluetooth-continued lid that automatically measures your liquid intake. For serious quantification junkies with $59.99 to spare, it's the ultimate water bottle. For everyone else willing to live dangerously (too as Android users, who aren't supported), a plain old loving cup should exist just fine.

Design and Features
The Thermos  is a cylindrical 24-ounce container that comes in one of two translucent colors, black or teal. The lid for either color is white. It measures x.six by three.ane by inches (HWD), which is about the size of any standard water canteen. The bottle is made of BPA-free plastic and weighs vii.36 ounces when empty, and 1.87 pounds when full of h2o. At that place's not much else to the design except for a Thermos logo most the bottom of the bottle, and on the side of the chapeau.


This would be just another plastic canteen if not for the Smart Lid. A latch is used to go along the clear plastic dome on top closed. An adjustable plastic loop hangs off the lid at the opposite end for conveying. Here you'll also find a micro USB port for charging. The lid'south lithium polymer battery is good for upwardly to 12 days of bombardment life. And considering there's a battery in there, the lid is not meant for dishwashers; you're best off cleaning the exterior with a dry out cloth. It'southward also worth mentioning that the Thermos is not meant for hot liquids.

The smart function is the tube you drinkable through, which has sensors that connect with the bottom of the chapeau. These sensors measure water temperature and how much yous beverage. The accompanying free app displays this data and so you tin monitor your drinking habits.

Pairing, App, and Operation
The Thermos only works with devices running iOS 7 or later on, so Android users need not apply. To get started, you need to download the Thermos Smart Lid app from the Apple App Store. I continued the Smart Chapeau to an Apple iPhone 6 ( at Amazon)  in a few seconds without outcome and performed a calibration examination, in which I had to wipe the smart tube with a cloth.

Thermos Smart LidOne time paired, you can set up a new contour or connect the Smart Chapeau app to your Fitbit account if you have one. To complete your contour, yous gear up an intake goal by entering your age, gender, height, weight, and the daily average of minutes you're active, equally well equally the activity intensity. The app will then suggest a number of ounces to reach every bit a daily drinking goal, or you lot can simply cull a goal for yourself. You can accommodate these parameters at any time past tapping on the Profile tab.

On the app'southward main screen, y'all'll run across one large circle with three smaller circles beneath it. The big circle shows the water temperature and indicates how much is left. A snowflake icon at the top indicates whether the water is cold or not. The circles below tell you the number of ounces you've consumed, the total number of minutes since the canteen's terminal refill, and the number of sips yous've taken. Each of these numbers reset every time y'all refill the h2o bottle.

Thermos Smart LidBelow the circles is a progress bar that displays how far along you are toward reaching your daily goal. Below that bar is each instance you lot take refilled the bottle. And at the very lesser of the screen you can tap to view your weekly or monthly activity, complete with graphs for each day, week, or month. You can share all of this information to email or social media by tapping a Share icon at the meridian of the screen. Y'all tin can also view your electric current location and weather info in the upper left corner. A Device Settings page, accessible via an icon in the upper right corner, shows you how much battery life the lid has left, and your total number of refills. Y'all tin can also rename the bottle hither.

As mentioned, info from the Smart Lid app will automatically sync to your Fitbit app each time y'all finish a bottle of h2o. In testing, the Fitbit app often needed to be restarted for the Smart Lid's water information to appear. And don't expect annihilation as well substantial; the Fitbit app simply displays the daily number of ounces you potable.

In testing, I noticed that the number of sips taken was sometimes inaccurate. There were two singled-out instances that the counter didn't increment afterwards I took a swig. As for really drinking from the bottle: Information technology's basically just a plastic h2o bottle. At that place was nary a dribble or embarrassing squeaky opening audio like you tin sometimes become with other water bottles. Information technology also fit perfectly fine in my pocketbook and never once leaked.

Y'all near certainly don't demand the Thermos Connected Hydration Bottle. It'southward rather pricey, and the lack of Android support is frustating. Just if you're a health and fitness junkie with an center on self quantification, the Thermos basically works as advertised. Information technology might miss a sip here and there, but it will provide yous with a detailed look at your daily h2o intake, and measure out information technology out over time. So while the need to drink 8 glasses remains debatable, the Thermos will brand sure y'all have no problem getting in that location.

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