As a YouTube user, you've probably left a bunch of comments on many videos. We've all done it, just sometimes it's almost impossible to go along rails of all of them.

Fortunately, YouTube makes information technology piece of cake to look, edit or delete all the comments you lot've fabricated on your account. How? Read on to discover out.

There are many reasons to view your comment history. Maybe you want to remember a special occasion or share one of your coolest comments with your friends or family.

Plus, since YouTube lets yous edit or delete your comments, you can easily alter a comment or go rid of it entirely. Afterwards all, nosotros've all written something wrong or embarrassing at some bespeak.

And, since YouTube keeps a tape of all the available comments you've made on your account, knowing how to view your YouTube comments and manage them can really come in handy.

First, let'south get over the steps to find your YouTube comments using your favorite browser.

  1. Go to and sign in to your account.
  2. Click on the hamburger push button (the three lines) in the top left of the page and click History.
    Tap History on YouTube Your Dashboard
  3. Your YouTube history folio volition open. On the right-side card, click Comments nether Manage All History.
    Tap Comments Under Manage All History
  4. You'll exist redirected to your Comment History. All the YouTube comments you lot accept made from your account will exist listed here. Simply scroll up or downwardly to view any comment.
    YouTube Comment History on Google My Activity Page

If yous've commented on a deleted video, or if, for any reason, YouTube removed your comment, it won't appear in your history.

In one case you are on your YouTube Annotate History, you can alter or delete any comment available. First, go to the annotate you would like to edit or delete and then follow these steps:

  1. Under your comment, there will be the words Commented on followed by the link to the video or the postal service where yous left that comment. Click on the link.
    Tap On Video Link Under Your Comment
  2. The video y'all commented on volition open on YouTube. Scroll down to the comments section, and you lot'll notice your comment at the top of the list. This annotate will announced as a YouTube highlighted comment.
    Video Page Opens with Highlighted Comment
  3. To edit or delete your comment, hover your mouse over the comment and click the More button (the three dots at the correct side of your annotate).
    Edit and Delete Options for YouTube Comment
  4. If you lot wish to delete the comment, click on the Delete option, and the comment volition be permanently deleted.
  5. To edit, click the Edit option to add or alter the annotate's content. After editing, click the Relieve button. The new comment volition appear, and the word (edited) volition appear next to the annotate's timestamp.

Sharing your comments is pretty easy as well. After you've clicked on 1 of your comments equally nosotros showed you earlier, the URL on your browser'southward address bar is a unique link for the video page that has your highlighted comment at the height of the comments listing.

Unique Link to Share Video Page with Highlighted Comment

You can share the link with the sharing button on your browser if it has one. Or but copy information technology from the accost bar and share it with your friends, on social media, or however you want.

You can also apply the YouTube app on your smartphone to view and manage your comments. All you need to do is follow the steps beneath:

  1. Open the YouTube app on your device.
  2. Tap your profile in the top right corner of your screen.
  3. Select Your information in YouTube.
  4. Under Your YouTube dashboard, tap More to reveal the comments you lot've made.
  5. Tap the comments. This volition open your YouTube Annotate History for you lot to view all your comments.
  6. Tap the video or post y'all desire.
  7. It volition open up your Highlighted annotate. Tap More than (the three dots on the right).
  8. Select Edit to brand changes or Delete to remove your comment.

There may be many previous comments you want to view and edit—and at present you know how piece of cake information technology is to exercise that.

And so go ahead and alter or organize your comments on your PC or phone, or just view your annotate history to relive special moments and occasions.